A quick question about adding components post construction

Hello all.

After a few months of suffering without a home pc (and on a tight budget due to unemployment), I will finally have just enough to buy a new laptop tomorrow. However the cost will leave me with a very small pool of cash to work with until I start earning again, which is a conundrum.

What I would ideally like is a 120gb Kingston v300 SSD and a 1tb WD blue in reserve for storage requirements. I also need to order the 3 day fast track to really help me meet my plans for the next couple of weeks. So, with that in mind, I am curious if it possible to withhold the 1tb 2nd hard drive option for now, and then order one later on (or return it and have them install it to keep the warranty). It might be only dropping £50, but I need that fifty at the moment.

Better yet, I plan on getting a couple of bells and whistles like a blu-ray player and a wireless adapter with better bandwidth, so if I could settle for the default to trim the initial cost, and upgrade them later, then that would be perfect. I'm just trying to balance my needs for a pc with the programs I need on it now, and the more powerful system I want in a few months when I will finally start to have an income again.

Anyone know if this is something PCS would be okay with? I might call them tomorrow just to be certain, but if anyone here knows an answer then that would be great. It'll take less time out of my busy day tomorrow.

Thanks for your time.


Multiverse Poster
You can use the upgrade section to add those components, you could add them yourself. If money is tight I would drop the fast track.