Address not associated with network adapter


Hi everyone, I'm new here...

Got my new desktop from PC specialist yesterday and set it up today... everything is great apart from the lack of internet connection.

I initially plugged the ethernet cable in as normal but it came up with 'unidentified network' 'no internet access'. This same connection is working fin for my xbox one and laptop when I tried it with those two.

I ran the troubleshooter and it came back with 'an error occurred while releasing interface ethernet : an address has not yet been associated with the network adapter'.

Is this a simple fix (probably me being stupid) or something a little more complicated? I should add that I'm running windows 8.


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Whats your network setup? Are you plugging straight into the router or through a switch? That message suggests that it's not being allocated an ip address by the dhcp.


Our router feeds into a wired network in our house that is accessed by plugging into an ethernet port in the wall. So I guess that would constitute a switch. There's no problem with the port though, as the xbox one and laptop can connect to the internet just fine using it.