AMD or INTEL for gaming PCs ?

AMD or INTEL for a gaming PC? ( strictly going to be a games PC )

As far as I can see, having trawled through lots of reviews, there's not much in it, as am I'm going to be buying a Nvidia GTX580 ( 1536) Gfx card, which will do most of the graphics donkey work.

If the only real difference is the occasional 10-15 fps at max rez, then I'm not sure Intel is the way to go.

However, I do remember in recent years , to be exact with the release of Gothic 3 in November 2006, I was running an AMD rig, and you had to patch the game to allow it to run properly if you had an AMD processor. The game would sprint through its day/night cycle in around 1 min due to an issue with the game and the AMD processor. I realise this was a game programming issue, but the point is, it ran fine on Intel based systems on release, and you had to run a special little .exe on the game disc after install for AMD chips.

So, AMD or INTEL ?


lol, this debate could go on for ever! The general thought is that AMD offer better value for money whilst Intel dominate the high performance market, but then Intel launched Sandy Bridge which offer excellent performance which matched AMD's price so I'd consider one of these - Sandy Bridge PCs. The i5-2500 seems to be the pick of the bunch.

Either way, we will help you get the best PC for you. If you want to give us a rough budget to work towards then I'm sure the guys on the forums will start to put together some recommended specs for you.


Bronze Level Poster
I have to agree with meds on this one. Intel is the way to go if your looking for best performace for price (thanks to sandy) they are atm the best you can get. saying that getting either AMD or intel is grand for gaming today either one will perform will. But the 2500 intel seems better.

I used to have a link to a benchmark but can't find just got a new PC ill see if i can find it and get back to you

Here it is this is between the 2500 and the AMD x6 1100t

this is all cpu's for gaming I checked L4D and Dragon age Orgin

They out perform the AMD bu a bit but if you went through all the games you would find one that AMD beat intel slighty. Now the sandy bridge doesnt always come first either on these charts the extreme core will beat it but your talking a big difference on price for a small performace.
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