Amended from Standard insured delivery to Saturday delivery


Bronze Level Poster
Hello there,

I just amended my order to have it delivered on a Saturday, should have seen that earlier.
But I just noticed that the standard delivery appears to be insured (?) while the Saturday does not, am I reading it right or are both deliveries on the same level of safeness?
If not, what is the difference between both deliveries? (could not find any information on PCS website)

Another thing, on the following table, are the days working days or week days?

% of Orders Dispatched Within Timescales Indicated
7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days Average
Desktop PCs 73.53% 97.06% 99.02% 100% 6.66 days
Mini PCs 0% 0% 100% 100% 15.00 days
Laptops 17.78% 100% 100% 100% 9.87 days

Thank you for your help.

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Prolific Poster
I believe all methods are insured, but best to check with PCS for a response as all we can do is speculate. As for the table I believe it's in working days, but once again only PCS can tell you for sure :)


Bronze Level Poster
Thank you George,
I have sent an email to PCS with all my questions :smartass:

Edit for future reference:
After having received a reply from PCS, yes the saturday delivery is insured as well.
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