anyone else done this to a 360 controller


Bright Spark
Quite the opposite, from what I've seen the strictest parents usually raise the most rebellious kids. The more respectful, socially aware and well behaved kids come from parents who don't scold kids for every minor misbehavior, don't ground kids when they're bad etc

I agree with what you say to a certain extent.

You can't say that being strict gives you a 100% chance of having great kids, I know a few posh kids and have known of many who are posh and/or parented by strict parents and they've been more rebellious and doing more insane things which they shouldn't be than anyone else I know!

But at the same time I find well behaved people who have strict parents so it does work for some, just no gauranteed.

My parents aren't strict yet I behave myself, some parents who don't care have kids that run amock.

It really can go both ways regardless of what you do but I have my intentions and I guess I'll just analyse and see what's working as I go along, this is far into the future anyway.