Audio out jack not working


So I've been loving my PC Specialist Laptop build for over a year now but have been having a little problem recently.

My sound works fine, but when I plug either a set of headphones or speakers into the audio out jack, the sound totally cuts out. Unplug said component and it works again on the laptop's own speakers.. So I can use the laptops speakers but cannot use headphones or external speakers.

Any thoughts on what this may be? Faulty headphone jack maybe? It started doing it on and off but now just wont seem to work.

Hope someone here can help



It could be a faulty jack, you could try reinstalling drivers etc. but unless you've recently upgraded OS or something there's no reason they would suddenly stop working.

Might be worth giving PCS a call - replacing the jack might be a simple job (assuming that's all it is).


New member
Same issue. 17.3" Defiance III 2017 win10.

Did you have any joy in working out the issue? I bought a 2017 Defiance III with win10 and the same thing is happening. Doesn't seem like a bad socket, after a reboot it works flawlessly until I sleep it then after wakeup it goes back to speakers work but nothing out on headphones. It does detect headphones being plugged in, just no sound out until after a reboot.


New member
I've had this problem with my laptop from new several years ago. Did have a very long email chain with what must have been most of the support staff at PC Specialist but they couldn't help and seen as though a reboot solved the problem I put up with it. Just recently discovered that the hibernate function does not cause the problem only the sleep function does. So I've set the laptop to hibernate instead of sleep. Doesn't solve the problem but is certainly livable with.


Prolific Poster
Have any of you tried going into the device properties in device matter and unchecking the allow windows to sleep the device box?

Used to have weird issues like this in the past.