Avast successfully fined and banned from illegally selling user data


We love you Ukraine
For anyone using 3rd party anti virus, they are all just malware these days on windows.

This is exactly what an anti virus suite is supposed to prevent, your personal data being hijacked by hostile parties.

Windows defender is very strong, often better than these 3rd parties anyway, and certainly less of a performance hit.

But often 3rd party ones (including paid) will track your browsing history as well as app usage and even typing sometimes and sell that data.

Since Windows 7, there's been no need for 3rd party AV

And for those saying "I don't care what people do with my data", you likely don't understand how big data works, it's not "your data" they care about, it's the collective millions of data points combined that make the impact. You have no control who it's sold to, and companies generally don't care about moral compass and will sell to the highest bidder.

There's a reason big data is the most valuable commodity in the world, far higher priced than gold or oil

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We love you Ukraine
If you're interested in learning more about big data, I highly recommend watching the below which focusses on the biggest data leak of all time coerced by Cambridge Analytica and Facebook

Once you understand the implications of how this data was and IS CONTINUED to be used globally, you understand the damage that can be done.