BSOD Every few hours


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I'm quite glad it came back clean. That's completely the wrong methodological approach to be going down though.

If the BIOS voltage limitations is causing the flaky behaviour, it could have caused it during the Memtest run and this would then, by this logical approach, suggest the RAM was faulty. The best RAM in the world will struggle if the voltage for it is wrong.

After the re-seat and the memtest run, lets see how it runs for a few days. If it still BSODs my money is firmly on the BIOS now, 64GB is a lot of RAM to juice :)


Bronze Level Poster
Awesome, I have sent the results to PCS so I will wait to hear what they say and report. Thanks for the help and advice once more!


Bronze Level Poster
Still happening...



The BSOD Doctor
That's a different bugcheck, this one is a 0x20001 - a HYPERVISOR_ERROR. That could still be a RAM issue, Memtest is good but no memory tester is perfect, which is why I suggested removing one RAM stick. However, the BIOS update suggestion by @Scott makes a lot of sense and I think that would be the wisest next step.

You need to contact PCS again. In fact, now that you've involved PCS I would advise working with them rather than with us on here.