Bull guard using 100% processor


Hi, having a nightmare with bullguard antivirus. Turned pc on today and is just not responding. Task manager shows bullguard scanner using 100% of cpu, I have no idea how to stop this happening, a quick google shows it can be a problem with antivirus software but no real solutions available even from bullguard themselves.

Is it something obvious that I need to do or ???? Any help would be much appreciated



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Hi, having a nightmare with bullguard antivirus. Turned pc on today and is just not responding. Task manager shows bullguard scanner using 100% of cpu, I have no idea how to stop this happening, a quick google shows it can be a problem with antivirus software but no real solutions available even from bullguard themselves.

Is it something obvious that I need to do or ???? Any help would be much appreciated

You need to uninstall bullguard, windows defender is much better anyway.


The BSOD Doctor
I'm in full agreement with SpyderTracks, Windows Defender is a very good tool these days and is of course fully integrated into Windows. I also advise that you uninstall Bullguard and rely instead on Defender.


Thanks for the replies. Yes I will uninstall bullguard as soon as I can get back into windows!

The pc had just complete lag when trying to view a drive and access anything!

It is now after a reset, just alternating between the bios screen and a screen showing:

>>Checking media presence........
>>media present........
>>start PXE over IPv6.

Screen hangs and then goes back to bios.

Exit bios back to previous screen and repeat!

Help!! Please.

Any ideas?

Also I can’t see the ssd boot drive in the bios? Should I?



The BSOD Doctor
You can get into safe mode by interrupting the boot process three times. Switch it on and whilst Windows is booting power the PC off by holding down the power button. Do that three times and you'll eventually see a troubleshooting screen one option of which will let you boot in safe mode.

Once in safe mode uninstall Bullguard and then reboot as usual.