Changing Horses in Mid Race


Active member
I have got an order in (45 days) that is an Intel and a RTX 3080
Having spent the last 40 days riveted to this forum, I now realise that the AMD route may have been a better option.
What I want to know (yes I do know it is speculation) is, if I keep my build the same (as much as I can) and order an AMD CPU + relevant MB & case will I lose my place in the 45 day wait in the queue for my RTX 3080.
Yes I have emailed for a definitive answer but experience tells me that you guys can give me the instant answer while I wait for the definitive one.
Its not the money so much as this epic wait .......


I’m not certain but I believe if you do it over the phone there’s a chance you won’t lose your place - but obviously not certain. I’d probably just phone them to discuss it and if you get the green light you can change it then and there.