Cosmos .NET Framework Error installing Hotkey/Control Center

Hi everyone,

Apologies if this has been answered before but I'm having issues with a machine I purchased a couple of months ago.

When my Cosmos Laptop was delivered I wasn't able to access NVIDIA Control Centre, I couldn't install any NVIDIA Drivers and couldn't even use GeForce Experience as it wouldn't open. I also couldn't install any windows updates, the updater would download them fine, but when coming to install them, it'd reach 15% and then fail. I just dealt with this for a bit, but I eventually wanted to try and sort it. I failed to sort it, so as a last measure, I reset my PC from the Windows 10 reset page in settings to start fresh, in case any of it was due to a config error or something.

When it had completed, NVIDIA drivers/software worked fine as did the windows updates. I tried to install all of the items in the Tech Support section of my account on the PCS website and everything installed and runs ok, apart from Hotkey/Control Center. Every time I install it and restart my machine I get a .NET Framework error appear. I've tried a bunch of things to rectify this and nothing is working. What I've tried is - Repairing the hotkey setup by running setup again and clicking repair, using the .NET Framework repair tool, updating framework to the latest version, downloading hotkey/control center direct from the Clevo website, making sure its the latest version and also running a repair setup on that and nothing has worked.

Has anyone else encountered this and have a solution or any suggestions?

Any help would be great!



The BSOD Doctor
Did you buy it with Windows 10 pre-installed? That's an unfortunate experience if you did.

Reinstalling Windows was an excellent idea, it does rather sound as though you had some sort of Windows issue. Sadly, the built-in 'Windows Reset' feature isn't always the best way to recover from problems like this because it's not a true reinstall, it's more of a refresh what's already there.

Given the issues you're experiencing my best advice is to do a completely clean reinstall from bootable installation media. You can either use the media that came with the laptop (if you bought it with Windows pre-installed) or downloaded via the media creation tool.

Boot the installation media and select a custom install. Delete all the partitions on your system drive (the one where Windows is installed) - if you have created your own user partitions only delete the ones related to the operating system (there should be four; System (or EFI), Recovery, Reserved (or MSR), and the Windows partition - delete them all). Highlight the 'unallocated space' that results from these delete and click the Next button. The installer will create all the required partitions and install Windows.

Once Windows is installed, run Windows Update repeatedly until there are no more updates found. You will almost certainly have to do several reboots during this process. This will (should) install all the required drivers.

You can then install the specialised stuff like Control Center and Geforce Experience.

See how that works for you, it should fix things properly..... :)
Hi mate,

Thanks for the response! It did come with windows pre-installed yes. I'm just trying to use that tool at the moment. I am creating the media onto an external USB and then re-installing so will see how it goes!

Thanks again!
Hey UBUYSA you're a legend!

Just updating this thread in case anyone else has this issue. It worked eventually by doing this and one other thing. I managed to boot up from the USB, completely wiped those 4 partitions like you said and re-installed Windows, went through the updates, re-installed hotkey and it initally didn't work, but I then found the Hotkey folder in Programme Files (x86) and in that file there was the CC application. I right clicked and pressed troubleshoot compatibility and after the troubleshooter had done its thing I re-opened it and it worked!

Thanks for the guidance on the full, fresh and clean install of windows!