Dayz standalone (alpha stage)


Prolific Poster

Trailer looks quite good, I imagine the actual gameplay isn't that polished though.

I would be tempted by it but I never really got into the mod version of Dayz and I would imagine this Alpha version to be a lot more frustrating. I always hated the lack of real purpose; it's easy enough to say 'Survive' but what really is the purpose to survive? You run around, die, respawn 5 seconds later and carry on. It's a game, I don't care if I die.

Perhaps if they made it so when your character dies you can't play for 24 hours or something but then that would be too hardcore for people and they'd find ways around it (perhaps by implementing micro-transactions to respawn instantly ;)) Plus they'd probably lose the interest of casual players.

I just don't find it tense enough to care about my character. I love zombie games, Nazi Zombie Sniper is awesome working with 4 of you. If they could find a way to implement some sort of objective into dayz it could be brilliant i.e. Go to the big tall skyscraper where you'll find tons of rewards on the top floor but also 20 floors full of zombies. Go alone and you'll probably die, go with 4 of you and you might survive and can split the rewards. Would also encourage you to stay alive to collect weapons, supplies, etc to make the mission easier rather than all running in straight after a respawn with an axe and some water :D

This is just me speculating though, perhaps I'm just not imaginative enough to play the game without an objective.


Well-known member

Trailer looks quite good, I imagine the actual gameplay isn't that polished though.

I would be tempted by it but I never really got into the mod version of Dayz and I would imagine this Alpha version to be a lot more frustrating. I always hated the lack of real purpose; it's easy enough to say 'Survive' but what really is the purpose to survive? You run around, die, respawn 5 seconds later and carry on. It's a game, I don't care if I die.

Perhaps if they made it so when your character dies you can't play for 24 hours or something but then that would be too hardcore for people and they'd find ways around it (perhaps by implementing micro-transactions to respawn instantly ;)) Plus they'd probably lose the interest of casual players.

I just don't find it tense enough to care about my character. I love zombie games, Nazi Zombie Sniper is awesome working with 4 of you. If they could find a way to implement some sort of objective into dayz it could be brilliant i.e. Go to the big tall skyscraper where you'll find tons of rewards on the top floor but also 20 floors full of zombies. Go alone and you'll probably die, go with 4 of you and you might survive and can split the rewards. Would also encourage you to stay alive to collect weapons, supplies, etc to make the mission easier rather than all running in straight after a respawn with an axe and some water :D

This is just me speculating though, perhaps I'm just not imaginative enough to play the game without an objective.
If t's PvP and you have to wait 24hours, it will just be like Warz unplayable lol get own by aomeone with a flash light and game over for 24hours. I won't be buying it if that does happen.


Life Serving
lol, I was a massive dayz mod fan. Huge fan! It kinda took over my life at one point. Whilst it was good fun. Looking back on it i spent most time running from A to B or perhaps to C. Sure the game is very tense, knowing you can die at any moment. It did get quite exciting during those PVP times.


I also absolutely hated it. Spending hours running from A to B armed with next to nothing, only to get shot my some duchebag hiding/waiting for a passing player.. Which isn't fun at all. Then there is the whole issue of losing everything when i die... Cause ruining all my progress and achievements in game really keeps me interested. Even after playing 100 hours on dayz, I don't have a single thing to show for it. Whats the point? Oh and then there are the hackers... oh great. oh, and the server admins and mods that can see everything on the map. Most can and will transport themselves around, spawn whatever they like, gear up themselves in seconds, ruin all your "camps" or destroy your vehicles, simply because they can.

Me n Corfate, did get heavily into a server where exactly that was happening. Admins and mods cheating. OH and then, you could make a "donation" to keep the server running and you get bonus gear. After a few weeks, every player had "donated" to get the best gear on respawn... turned into pay to win. So if you paid the server admins money you could get free stuff. Sounds great till everyone does it.

I have had a good time on dayz, but i'm not getting back into it. If there was a single player mode, or perhaps a mode where i could invite my mates into a game. Without hackers or admins messing it up. Then i might consider it. Oh, it would also need some way to secure gear and weapons. Otherwise its just a waste of time in my opinion, Because at some point (it will happen) you will lose all of your gear/weapons, which in this game is the current objective. Survive and hoard weapons and gear. Which comes back to GRimzey argument that there is no purpose.

Looking at the standalone, I feel that is a massive get rich quick scam. Many players bought Arma II just for dayz, I paid 15 quid for it. Would I then go and pay another 20quid for exactly the same game? With the same graphics, sounds, map, still with no objectives? Sure there is a new inventory system, character skin change and a supposed few "new" actions which are demonstrated in the new trailer. But really, its the exact same as the dayzmod, yet released as a standalone game. Another thing, Rocket always stated the Alpha was going to be released and sold at a really cheap price. Erm, is 20quid cheap for an alpha state PC game? I think not. This is another get some cash quick scam just before Christmas.

I won't be going anywhere near it, until there is at least something new and a point to the game.

This might be worth a watch, In my opinion certainly confirms its pretty much the same game.

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