Defiance III - Gaming laptop


New member
Hi there,

I'm looking at purchasing a Defiance III gaming laptop, and wondered what you have benchmarked it at?


What settings/games have been played testing it, for what durations?

I'm concerned regarding overheating, as I've only used desktop rigs, which have never experienced that issue as they have always been insulated from it by case design and larger air flow/cooling systems, something laptops do not have the luxury of.

Many thanks!


Multiverse Poster
For an official response in terms of temperatures you may want to contact PCS directly. From previous post i think it is in the region of 80'C or lower when gaming. For benchmarks of games you can check benchmarks online for whichever GPU you are selecting


Multiverse Poster
It depends as well what GPU you go for, since the 1060 runs cooler than the 1070. I believe around 70, possibly under, is a realistic figure for the 1060.

There are reviews by major hardware sites of the 15.6" and 17.3" Defiances: (17.3)

Both comment on the temps of the 1060 under gaming load. I don't believe Thermals are problematic with the Defiance series, from what I've seen here and elsewhere.