
It’s dispatched boys!!!

Now this is my first PC. I’ve only ever bought from Dell before. Now with dell if I go on their support site and enter my Pc’s Tag number a whole list of options come up. Including the spec sheets and most importantly “downloads”

In the downloads there’s usually an program that checks to see if anything on your laptop needs updating I.e. the bios etc. Then it gives up all the updated drivers for ur system.

Do pc specialist have a similar menu/service?


Multiverse Poster
If you log into your main PCS account there is a downloads section.

PCS however don't run any 'updater' software. This is because most regular updates you would get via Windows update anyway, or you could source from the Nvidia websites. You shouldn't update the BIOS without checking with PCS first, as generally there's no performance benefit, only a risk of bricking the system and if you don't need specific updates brought by a new version of the BIOS, it's not worth the risk or effort.

In fact with Dell's updater software, one of their revised versions of the updater software itself introduced a bug that wasn't previously there, and which it was taking them a few versions to get patched out. I can't recall the details, only that it wasted half an hour of my time at the office before I figured it out. Updates for the sake of updates aren't always the best plan...

GPU drivers often introduce new issues with new patches - and those are drivers that you will actually update fairly often, unlike many others that you can leave alone altogether.

Member that many major OEMs do things to distinguish themselves from the competition. Even if that's actually not in your interests. The objective can be less about "updating" your PC and more about making you think they, rather than the next competitor, are doing more for you or are adding some kind of value.

For an example of what I mean about OEMs trying to differentiate themselves via software, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDOZwDgScGI

Windows 10 is actually very good at providing all the updates/drivers you need.

Do you'll get the laptop. Drivers will be installed already but there will be downloadable backups of those on your PCS account. Windows 10 will give you updates and you can update GPU drivers yourself as and when you like. And the laptop will ship without loads of bloatware.
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Hey, thanks for the reply. I ask cos most issues people post on here are about drivers. And yes gpu update even from NVIDIA has plagued my current laptop. First few months laptop works fine then all of a sudden Nvidia releases new update. Laptop updates and cripples the laptop.