Does PC Specialist update to the latest drivers before shipping?


Author Level
They ship them with the most stable drivers at the time but they are quite easy to install new ones as they are released.

The only drivers you will probably ever have to update are the GPU and they can be downloaded from the GPU website.

We can talk you through it if you need help.


Author Level
Again think it is the same for the BIOS, if there is a BIOS update available i think you just call PCS and they will issue you with the update and talk you through the BIOS update.

Its not something i've ever tried myself so in not 100% on this one sorry


Prolific Poster
My MOBO wasn't shipped with the latest bios. I had loads of problems with Windows 8 and my GPU and in the end it weirdly all got resolved by updating my bios! So if this happens, I would suggest trying that :)

Depending on your motherboard a bios update should be pretty easy, but it isn't recommended unless absolutely necessary! PCS will be able to talk you through it, as others have said.


Active member
My Optimus IV was not shipped with the latest drivers either and the ones that were sent were not stable either. It took me a week and a combination of drivers from the various manufacturers' websites and some of the ones on the disc to get the computer working properly.


Life Serving
non of my systems were shipped with the latest drivers, firmware, bios lol.

Best to do it yourself... then at least you know its sorted.


I'd do it myself even if I was confident they had done it before shipping. As tom has said its best to be sure :)