ECC RAM on Ryzen 5000?


We love you Ukraine
This is a really interesting video based on Linus Torvalds recent explosion on Intel being the reason ECC RAM is so unused these days in the Home market, and why it needs to become more mainstream.

Those of you with likely RAM issues with 4 DIMMS on new builds may understand why this could be so valuable:

For me, RAM issues are the hardest to troubleshoot. ECC gives thorough error tracking that makes it totally simple, aside from the additional stability benefits on top of that.

TLDR.... ECC is fully unlocked on some B550 and X570 boards, and almost certainly more of the upcoming X670 boards (with any luck). It will be implicitly stated on the board description if it is supported. It's not officially supported by AMD on the chipset, but it does work.
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It’s not, PCS don’t offer ECC except on server builds.

ECC is substantially more expensive than normal RAM.

Point is, IF your board supports it, you can manually upgrade to ECC.
At least that's one less thing to worry about then ;)

Don't think I've bought ECC memory since my MacPro days (with Xeon CPUs) - and I remember always moaning about how much more expensive they were than all the standard sticks I could find on ebay...especially if you bought them direct from Apple :oops:


We love you Ukraine
Good thing is: it seems future DDR5 will have ECC technology for everyone.
Yes, I saw this, would be absolutely fantastic!

It really is all down to intel that they stopped supporting ECC on anything under server grade boards, they drove the prices up exponentially and ruled it out becoming mainstream which it would have by now without a shadow of a doubt.