F.e.a.r 3

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
Absolutely loved the first fear, not so much the second, but still cant wait for the third...

Here's some stuff about fear 3's multiplayer
ign said:
Every mode is a focused four-player affair, lol actually here's the link to ign

Here's some youtube footage and screenshots from the mode called "f****** run"

Sorry the video has a rude swear word as a title, so here's some flowers, scroll down to view :p
Edit: Said video, has been removed from youtube by the user, but ill keep the flowers


yes very pretty... k here's the vid, :p

Contains video game violence​

here's the official trailer for mulitplayer

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I loved the first FEAR too, never got round to playing the second after reading bad reviews. Hopefully FEAR 3 will get back on par with 3 (or at least get close).


Prolific Poster
Yes the original was the best still play every now and again but only single player though last time i went online there were hackers on every server, did enjoy the second played through a couple of times and the online really let it down no dedicated servers hope they correct this on the third game.


Bright Spark
Looks a good laugh, for sure....I hope they keep the same level of enemy ai in the single player/multi. The first one at least had a great level of challenge in that aspect. Was one of my all time favs. despite the fact my meagre pc at the time had a lot of trouble running it!