Factory Reset


(windows 8 user).

I moved my user file from my SSD to my regular hard-drive by accident and it messed literally everything up. I then initiated the factory reset.

After completing it asked me for the windows product key, so I typed in what was on the sticker on the back of the PC. I tried it multiple times, triple checking and asked someone else to try too and it doesn't accept it. So I hit skip. Now its loaded up windows but I can't even use internet explorer as there's no network adapter drivers.

I'm in over my head to be honest. Is there anyone around that has done this before and/or knows how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!


Multiverse Poster
Is it a desktop or laptop? You should have received drivers for it, the one for the motherboard contains the one needed for connecting to the internet.


Desktop. I've look through all the stuff that came in the packaging and can't find anything relating to the system at all. Its all free trial versions of software etc. It may be that I did have what I needed and have misplaced it.

Am I able to download this kind of thing onto my laptop and transfer it across somehow?


The BSOD Doctor
Was this a factory reset done by booting into the hidden partition on your hard drive (you typically press F11 or similar on boot to get into that) or was this a clean reinstall from a Windows installation DVD?


The one you get to by going settings>reset computer. Takes it back to factory settings and deletes all your personal data.


The BSOD Doctor
The one you get to by going settings>reset computer. Takes it back to factory settings and deletes all your personal data.

Ok, thanks.

There appears to be a difference between the version of Windows you have installed and the version the product key is for. This may be because you did the Windows 8.1 upgrade, so the installed Windows 8.1 is trying to do a refresh with a Windows 8 product key. I've run into that problem before.

Did the PC come with Windows 8 and have you since upgraded to Windows 8.1? If yes, I think that's your problem.

You could try a clean reinstall by booting from the Windows 8 installation DVD supplied with the computer (the product key will match that) and then do the Windows 8.1 upgrade on top of that. That should work fine.