Failed Video Game Titles


Well-known member
Trying to get into twitter and had a look of the trends they have, one of them was #FailedVideoGameTitles and some of them were brilliant :p

Here are my feeble attempts at being funny:

Red Dead Exemption, help companies avoid paying taxes
Deus Ex: Human Contribution, walk around feeding the homeless
Counter-Stroke, balance the smiles of your character
BioCock, harvest little sisters for lengthy prison sentences
Hetro 2033, bachelor life in post apocalyptic Moscow
Hitman: Absolutely, a violent remake of the film Yes Man

I'm @dJoe_Stalin if anybody uses it themselves


Superhero Level Poster
Hitman: Absolutely, a violent remake of the film Yes Man

That one tickled me Fluck, well done! :D

Hmm, lets have a go:

Giants: Citizen Kane, play as both a squad of rubbish marines and a fish person. The mission revolves around the death of a giant called Kane, who for unknown reasons had a rosebud up his left nostril when he died...

Cheerful Fandango, play as a travel agent based in Marlow, who loves his job and won't quit despite "the powers that be" really wanting him to go, because he's just so cheerful!

Dungeon Decorator, while the Horned Reaper and other minions do battle with the human forces from above, you are tasked with making the whole dungeon just that bit nicer to live in. Lace cuffs encouraged.

Mario Shopping Kart 64, battle it out with up to 4 other teams to get your shopping done before them (pro-tip, don't Peach, she'll take hours deciding and you'll still end up with things you don't need).

LEGO Twilight Saga, no description; it would just be fail, would be an affront to the cracking LEGO games and should never ever ever exist, ever!

World of Kraft, produce plastic cheese for the masses, and go around buying up iconic brands in other countries and then quickly ruin them for profit (Ed: I didn't know I cared that much! :D )

Diabolo III, an action role-playing spin and chuck juggle-crawler that boasts randomised areas and loot for endless play. Entertain a multitude of monsters and demons with your mad skills to earn epic items and rewards.

Fifi 2013, go to the park with your prized poodle and have her chase a ball for around an hour and a half (or as its also known, football :) )

Vajewelled, (really really not going to describe it...)

Tomb Raider: G4S , play as a security company for various tombs around the world. The goal of the game is to limit the number of times a busty brunette with a couple of...hand guns can outwit you and raid the tombs you are meant to be protecting. At the end of the game, if the number is lower than the target 15,654, you (the CEO) receive a bonus of £2,500,000.



(After re-reading some of these, I take them back as FailVideoGameTitles and really want to play them! :D )


Well-known member
Love the effort, and hey if Vajewelled is successful you might be able to release it as a board game :p

I'm also playing a mod of World of Kraft... Mmmmm crackers and cheese...
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Silver Level Poster
This is too easy.

The Elder Scholls series - An epic open-world quest to find the sandals of legendry.

BalletStorm - Ultra-violent first-person dance-off action!!!

Ass Effect - now with more gratuitous shots of Miranda's pert behind!

Fifty Shades of Gray Matter - Pointy-clicky adventure involving stage magic, neuroscience, and BDSM.

Populous: Old Testament Edition - The true to life God sim complete with pillars of salt, slayings of the firstborn, and worldwide floods.

Angry Birds Essex - Ten thousand lasses, one working tanning booth.

Need For Speed: The Runs - Twenty pints of Boddies and a double vindaloo is not a good idea, especially when the nearest toilet is 3,000 miles away.

Downing Street Fighter - Funnily enough, this exists in reality.

Maybe more later.