Forsaken world?


Well-known member
Anybody play this?
Is it worth a crack?
I understand it's F2P is that completely free? I'm not going to press a button and be charged without warning?

I have tried to find out but people just state that it's free with a cash shop for gear and stuff if this is the case will it ask me before taking money?


Super Star
As you were getting at at the end of your post, the majority of F2P (Free 2 Play) online games involve a cash shop, basically it's a shop that sells items (that you can't usually buy or obtain otherwise) for a currency that you have to pay to buy using real money, obviously to charge someone, they have to enter bank details, how else are you going to be charged :p

Plenty of games are F2P so dont worry about it. They ain't out to rob you blind without you knowing about it :)


Well-known member
I realise they have to have my bank details (and they do through steam) that's my question I don't want to click a button and bang get charged.
I downloaded but I don't understand the zen and leaf system and I don't want to start clicking stuff if they will whack me with a bill.


Superhero Level Poster
As I understand it, F2P game microtransactions HAVE to be clear as to when you pay for stuff.

usually you have to add some form of currency using cash to use to buy stuff, rather than using real money in game.

I think...


Well-known member
Lol, yer I'm sure you are right there don't seem to be any info on it really so I think I will give it a go and not push the shop button.
The game looks alright but we will see.
I wish eve was F2P.


Well-known member
Look I just need a simple answer I downloaded the game through steam, I have previously downloaded games through the steam client which I have paid for so they have my bank details.
This is why I have posted, I am worried because when I first had an xbox and bought membership for 1 month they then automatically charged me (without informing me) the next month, because I didn't know, my account went overdrawn and the bank charged me an additional £35.

Because my details are with steam and this game is downloaded through steam I don't want something similar to happen hence this post.


Super Star
Sorry, figured I'd answered you're question twice now?

Like I said, only Steam (Valve) have you're bank details NOT Forsaken World (Perfect World.)

It's a "Free 2 Play" which is exactly what is says on the tin, it's free too play. NO hidden monthly charges (Because it wouldn't be free then would it.) And again, they DON'T have you're bank details, only Valve do, and all Valve do is distribute the game (It's not there game so why would they be charging you.)

Refer to THIS post for details about what they DO charge you for.

I apologise as I DON'T (See what I did there) mean to seem like I'm talking to you as if you're 4 year old, or have a mental illness, but I figured between the term "Free 2 Play" and what I already posted, the information was pretty clear.


You're Xbox Live problem is quite unrelated, as it tell you that you will be charged after a month, they don't hide it from you, infact, to get the free month, you have to go down the list of choices (1 year, 3 month, 1 month) which have a price next to them before you get to the bottom one which says 1 free month, it doesn't pretend it's going to keep being free and then get you with hidden charges.
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