Gaming desktop for under 400? (inc. monitor) please help!

Davey LC

I don't currently have a pc so I can't upgrade, I have 400 pounds to spend on a gaming pc that would play games such as starcraft 2, c&c 4 and other rts games, I'm willing to build from scratch as i understand it will be cheaper, any help is massively awsome as the range of components is ements and confusing but my knowledge of what needs to be done is not too bad. A few different choices would be good to compare them, thank you loads to any1 who can help me do this I really need it lol.


Member Resting in Peace
To be honest I cant see you getting a half decent gaming PC (even without a monitor) for £400.

Davey LC

On a different forum some1 said:
-SCREEN : Samsung SyncMaster - £58
-GPU : HD6850 1GB - £90
-PSU : Coolermaster Elite Power 500W - £32
-CPU : Phenom X4 II 965 - £70
-MOBO : ASRock P67 Pro3 - £67
-RAM : Kingston 8GB 1600MHz - £30
-CASE : Cooler Master Elite 310 - £35
-HDD : Seagate 500GB Barracuda - £45
= £428

Would you say it would play starcraft 2? Would you change anything?

Davey LC

Gaming desktop build, help greatly needed!!

I don't currently have a pc so I can't upgrade, I have 400 pounds to spend on a gaming pc that would play games such as starcraft 2, c&c 4 and other rts games. (dont mind playing minimum/moderate setting)
I'm also looking to build from scratch to save money. The following specs are what I have come up with so far, so if u think I should change anything or you have a different idea then your feedback is massively welcome, could really do with some advise! Thanks.
-SCREEN : Samsung SyncMaster - £58
-GPU : HD6850 1GB - £90
-PSU : Coolermaster Elite Power 500W - £32
-CPU : Phenom X4 II 965 - £70
-MOBO : ASRock P67 Pro3 - £67
-RAM : Kingston 8GB 1600MHz - £30
-CASE : Cooler Master Elite 310 - £35
-HDD : Seagate 500GB Barracuda - £45
= £428

Monitor isn't a must. I have only just joined this site so feel free to add me as a friend if u want.