Gaming Laptop spec help


New member

I'm looking for a portable gaming laptop, and while I understand what some of the components PCSpecialists give you options to configure do, I'm not sure what my requirements are across the board. Would appreciate explanations of why specific things would improve performance if recommenders have the time!

I was looking at the Elimina bases, with an overall budget of ideally less than £1600, which I'm aware is on the lower side! I play a range of games, so would have quite a few downloaded at once, including Civ 6, Stonehearth (This requires high CPU and GPU to run lategame), Far Cry primal/Assassins Creed etc, Portal 2, TF2, as a range of examples.

When configuring online I chose one of the cheaper bases (ELIMINIA 17.3" or 15.6") and then was able to pick 64 GB of RAM, a few TB on SSDs, but is this a bad approach due to the graphics of the base. 64GB RAM sounds like overkill...

Is it worth investing in external cooling/the thermal paste that costs a few extra quid?

And finally, there are options under bluetooth/wireless, but I'll admit I'm not sure what the pros/cons of these are.

Any help much appreciated, I'm just not sure where to start!