Gaming Mouse for £50!


Bronze Level Poster
Anyone Know A gaming Mouse I could get for £50

I was Looking at the Razer Naga Mmo Gaming Mouse but the Only Mmo I'm going to play Is Swtor Pretty Much.

Can anyone recommend me a Nice mouse for £50?


Silver Level Poster
Well, I've never had a bad Razor device (Mouse/Keyboard), so I'd say what ever you decide to get stick with them.

I'f your just looking for a mouse to use with MMO's then I can't really help much.

But in gaming generally I would highly recommend both the Razer Habu (older but fantastic) and Razer DeathAdder. These are basic gaming mouses and only have 2 config buttons on the side; the habu also has 2 sensitivity buttons next to the scroll wheel but are great for general gaming (FPS etc).