Good Evening

Having just splurged a lot of money on a new gaming PC, figured I drop by the forums and say hello, hello!

I first bought a computer from PCSpecialist way back in late 2006/07. After that I got a standard laptop which has served me loyally since 2011, but since it struggles to run the most basic of games and is quite frankly falling to bits I decided it was time for an upgrade.

So I'm hoping my soon to be new PC will last me as long and I'll finally be able to use my PC to play some games. (My laptop wouldnt even run Empire Total War, so you can imagine my frustration of having a game that I've never properly played. So I've stuck to LAN Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge since then. Still fun, but only against Others, the AI is sadly lacking.

But with my new "rig?" I'll be getting all those RPGs with the graphics mods.