Guild Wars 2


Ok, Haven't seen any thread around for this so figured I'd make it!

anyone have any thoughts on this up & Coming offering from

From what iv'e seen of the beta footage (no beta access yet =\) It's looking to be shaping up pretty well, and whilst the original Guild wars one is looking a little worse for wear nowadays, if they kick things around with GW2 the same way they did with the original, this could definately be worth a watch!

especially as there's no subscription, so it'll happily sit alongside everyones usual slew of games, diablo, any other subscription based MMO you may have.

part of the thing that really interests me is the way they're handling combat, they're removing the trinity of tank, healer, dps.. so rather than the healer playing whack a mole, the tank pressing the "GET OVER HERE AND HIT ME" buttons, and the dps trying to maximise their dps formula whilst standing outside of the little orange circle, you will feel like the entire group is being pitted against a boss! IMO that feels alot more immersive than the way that wow has done it, but just how they'll pull it off remains to be seen.

a little less enticing is the way that they keep bleating on about random events in dungeons.. that's nothing -overly- new, even in wow you'll occasionally have a chest show up and you've got rarespawns and such, D&D Daggerdale had this right at the heart of its makeup too with finding secret passages and sidequests all determined by die rolls in the same way you'd get with the desktop game..

so yes, who will be getting this, and what are your thoughts and feelings on this?

as a sidenote, I'm not sure if the NDA and such is lifted on this yet.. so if you have taken part in the betas, and are still under the terms of the NDA, please refrain from breaking it here.


Superhero Level Poster
It shall be pre-ordered and purchased whenever I get around to it (or when its available).

I liked GW, but it was definitely not as polished as its sub-based sisters. By the looks of the footage I have seen, it does look more like a paid for MMO now, so it can sit there beside my others, and I shall dip in and out whenever I please (yey for no sub!).


Well-known member
Cannae wait. Played GW for quite a while and even now I still dip in and out. The one thing I never really enjoyed much was PvP in GW though, and I've seen a few GW2 PvP videos and it looks great. I'll definitely be pre-ordering it :p


Active member
Oh I will be playing this game.. Played GW and loved the game. Just cannot wait to this to be released!!!

Probably wont be splashing the cash on the collectors, but maybe digital deluxe (not sure if thats worth the extra GBP) though....


Bright Spark
I'll definitely get it, but to say it's free to play or no sub etc is like saying LOTRO is free to play now. You're handicapped if you don't use the microtransactions put in place. In Lotro you can't even use "flight paths" without paying for it. All in all a lot of people will pay more then £9 a month. I probably will.


Superhero Level Poster
Pretty sure GW isnt micotrans based? Though I could be wrong.

LOTRO is the true FTP model (although being a VIP member from before the change make it FTP WITH everything :D )


Apparently all the micro transaction stuff can be bought with ingame gold, and from what I have read its similar to GW1 where getting a max stat set of armour/weapon etc is fairly easy, just the nice shineys are harder to come by.

For me that was the appeal of PVP, purely skill based as everyone had similar gear.

Pre purchase for GW2 starts on the 10th if people dont already know


Well-known member
I'll definitely get it, but to say it's free to play or no sub etc is like saying LOTRO is free to play now. You're handicapped if you don't use the microtransactions put in place. In Lotro you can't even use "flight paths" without paying for it. All in all a lot of people will pay more then £9 a month. I probably will.

Microtransaction items have no benefit to a player in GW, as in there's nothing more somebody who pays can do than any other person except wear interesting costumes etc.

They won't have anything on sale that will put anyone at an advantage (in GW1 you could unlock skills via buying them, but it was easy enough to do this the longer, free way).


Bank slots pages, additional character slots, and novelties ( such as micro pets and costumes) as well as time savers, like the mobile banking golem are what seem to be on the cards thus far, the mobile banking golem is subscription based, you purchase it for a set amount of time and have to keep repurchasing if you want to keep it, nothing that puts a normal player at any real disadvantage, and everything is earnable in game through the gold trade system.

Guild wars doesn't use an "item based" stat system like say, wow or diablo so theres no way for someone to buy power, the only thing that might skew the system a lil bit is that you can effectively buy gold through selling gems.. so not sure how that might affect in game player auction houses, but again Guild wars 1 worked off an identical system and the cash shop had no detriment on gameplay at most levels.