Help with online streaming


New member
Hello all, I'm new here so apologies if this has been covered before.
I've got an old but well built P4 XP media centre pc that is still going strong and happily streams youTube and BBC iPlayer. What it struggles with (but eventually gets smooth) is 4OD.
The processor is 2.8ghz with 3GB or RAM and an NVIDIA 3000G graphics card (it was used as a workstation before)
I'd like to know if putting a newer graphics card in, one that was more suited to video than CAD, would sort out the 4OD problem?
Otherwise I think i'll change the processor and board but part of me feels that as it copes fine with iPlayer and youTube there should be something to help it along rather than sending it to the tip!!
Or put XBMC on it but that's for another topic - any experience with 4OD on XBMC?

Any advice and thoughts to why 4OD seems more resource hungry than iPlayer much appreciated!