How relevant is Half Life 2 compared to the latest titles?


Prolific Poster
Half Life is one of the games I grew up watching my dad play as a kid (I hope that makes you feel old), whenever people ask what games they should get with their new PC Half Life is always on the list, there's a bloke who's spent like 10 years of his life bringing the damn game up to today's standards visually. But in all seriousness how good is it?

I don't even think it's worth making a thread to be honest, it's £1.74 on Steam at the moment so I should probably just buy it (even though we still have the original discs that Steam won't let me play). But what I want to know is will I really like it as much as people make out or is has it been so hyped up that I'll probably be disappointed? I'm not a massive Singleplayer FPS fan, I didn't finish Far Cry 3 (yet), didn't finish Metro 2033, didn't finish Bioshock, didn't finish Dishonoured. Maybe I'll finish them one day but I just found they lacked things to keep me interested. Am I likely to feel similar about Half life? And is it only so highly rated because it was brilliant at the time and people are remembering it for what it used to be rather than comparing it to what's on the market now?

They also have the complete collection for like £6.... Worth a shout? Or should I just get HL2 for £1.74? Or should I leave it completely?!


Superhero Level Poster
Its like anything. It is important and a great of gamingland because it broke the mold of FPS gaming.

It brought so many things to the table that we still see today, and did it looking so snazzy compared to its contemporaries.

If you never played HL and HL2 way back when (1998 for the first remember), then I would recommend you try it at least. Sure, you've seen all the stuff before, but that's because a lot of games now take from HL what it brought as new and shiny.

Now we just need HL3 (SOON™)


Prolific Poster
I hated Half Life when it came out, I just remember it making me feel sick for some reason. haven't touched it since and the name still makes me feel sick. Weird.


Bronze Level Poster
In my opinion, buy it. It has stood the test of time and, still looks and plays great alongside todays titles. As per DeadEyeDuk's post, most of the things in todays games are there because of HL2. I was late to the party and played it a bit on The Orange Box when that came out on the 360 and, also have HL2 and the episodes on steam which, I have played a bit of on my old Mac.

You wont regret HL2 at £1.74. It will give you a good 10 hours of gaming at least.


Author Level
I hated Half Life when it came out, I just remember it making me feel sick for some reason. haven't touched it since and the name still makes me feel sick. Weird.

Man i thought i was the only one, i was afraid to speak out.

Yeah Half Life was always something that my friends raved about but i personally dont see the attraction, i found it boring and like you it made me feel dissorientated and sick. Its like playing doom again.

I'd say it was just becuase its an old game but playing System Shock 2 hasn't had the same effect on me so far.

It just not my cup of tea i guess.