I love the bigfoot card!


LoL the first praise i've seen about the bigfoot card in a long while on this forum. How much are you paying a month for this beastly connection of yours? im guessing this is optic fibre?


Bronze Level Poster
£35 per month mate for a 100meg line used to get 70 ish, now I get over 100meg great. Oh I do have the tv and phone too so it's £90 for HD, Sports & flims free evening & weekend calls.


LoL, at least you have broadband connections im assuming and not in the old age of a dial up connection :p

I'm thankful for that at least! I remember dial-up and sitting watching the blue line creeping slowly across the task bar while trying to check my email, only to get disconnected after waiting about 5 mins (and I was paying by the minute at an internet cafe).


2.5 MBPS
Shared between 3 people always on it.

LOL, if we are not careful, this might turn into a repeat of the PC v Console thread. i.e. less than 3Mbps v greater than 100Mbps (We can use our volume v's FlacidDonkey's speed!) :)