Is this good for me?


Active member
Hi guys I'm quite an average PC gamer playing games like Battlefield 3 and Skyrim. I have a budget of a maximum £660. So I configured this:

Although it isn't really maxed out in specs, I was wondering if it would be able to play the two games above on ultra settings or very high. Also I plan on making this PC a ''work in progress''. So I'm planning in a few months time when I get a bit more money to upgrade the Graphics card and add some RAM.

So do you guys think that this configuration will allow me to upgrade my PC conveniently and to be able to play latest games.


Multiverse Poster
You won't be able to run Battlefield 3 at ultra settings with the gtx 650, not sure about skyrim but you could check benchmarks online. For your budget I would consider a cheaper motherboard and an AMD cpu.


Active member
The only reason why I wanted the best motherboard is because I want it to be really upgradable thats why im notgetting an amazing graphics card cos im gonna get a good one in a hlaf a year


Multiverse Poster
The only reason why I wanted the best motherboard is because I want it to be really upgradable thats why im notgetting an amazing graphics card cos im gonna get a good one in a hlaf a year

Any motherboard in the configurator should offer similar performance gaming wise. Most games are gpu dependant and only in very cpu intensive games there will be a difference in performance between the FX-6350 and i5-3570.


Active member
oh right yeah in that case ill downgrade th motherboard also any other suggestions is the case okay