Issue with Edimax EW-7612PIn


New member
I recently received my desktop computer from PCSpecialist a few days ago, after finally setting it all up and actually sitting down to enjoy a new experience with such a machine, it turned out that the utility that came with the drivers for Edimax EW-7612PIn wasn't able to detect any networks within the vicinity whilst my laptop which is literally right next to the desktop was able too. After spending countless hours browsing the world wide web, I discovered that it's a common problem; often related to kaspersky. Strangely enough, my desktop doesn't have kaspersky installed which has led me to become baffled over why the utility is unable to detect any networks. Hopefully, I'll get a solution for my problem here, if not, someone that is able to point me in the correct direction?


New member
Oh god, I assumed the antenna's were inside, until you mentioned, so I thoroughly rummaged through the box and discovered them and screwed them on, and I can finally see networks.

Thank you tom_gr7, I appreciate your fast response :)


Life Serving
Oh god, I assumed the antenna's were inside, until you mentioned, so I thoroughly rummaged through the box and discovered them and screwed them on, and I can finally see networks.

Thank you tom_gr7, I appreciate your fast response :)

glad I was of some help:)