Laptop screen flickering


Hello, I bought a P170HMx back in December 2012 and in the past 2 months it started to have this issue where the display would flicker. The flickering seems to be random and the durations can vary from 1-2 seconds to 1 minute where I had to do a hard reboot. It renders the screen completely useless. I could take a picture but since it happens at random it could be difficult.

This is quite a serious problem, it seems to be an issue with a bad laptop display connection, as I tested the hardware by outputting to an external monitor which is fine when the flicker occurs. What can I do here?


Yes, I mean December 2011. That was a silly slip. I managed to take a photo of the flickering and it looks something like this

It tends to happen in games, I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or just that I play games a lot.

Also, giving the screen a tap seems to make it go away some of the time. But that's not a solution.


I'm assuming you mean December 2011. Give PCS a ring on Tuesday (I'd guess they are closed on Easter Monday).

Lmao Unless his Laptop turned into a time machine thats a little obvious :)

Cabulb, do you notice the area around the VGA output port is getting extra hot?
Can you check ALL your drivers. Its possible a driver became corrupt.

What you could try is this....

Driver Genius

Install, and run and backup your drivers using the backup option on left.
Scan computer for drivers, then if any drivers are out of date, it will tell you.

You can then choose to pay for the prog and download all there and then or do what I do and look at the list of updates, scroll across to the right you will see the filename.

Copy and paste the filename into google and download it manually from somewhere else. (yes Im a tight a**)


I'd tried many AMD drivers in the past month and I did try the latest. The problem still persists though. I'm currently using one version earlier than the latest, which seems to be the most stable.

Another problem I find is that occasionally the display driver would crash, again, regardless of version. This leads me to think there may be a problem with the graphics card itself. But as I mentioned output to an external display still works fine.

I would check if my VGA port gets hot if I had one, but the rear gets hot anyway since that's where the vents are.


The port you use to connect it to the monitor.
as I tested the hardware by outputting to an external monitor

Does the port itself get extra hot?

Yes all laptops will be hot to a degree, but i'm talking about noticeably extra hot that when you touch it you notice how hot it is.


Well the DVI port I use for my external display does get hot (just the metal bits). I don't know what significance this makes, is it supposed to get hot?


Well-known member
A loose screen cable is my guess. You could check this yourself if you are confident enough too take the laptop apart.