Laptops in the next gen era?


Bronze Level Poster
How do you guys think the new next generation games will fare on slightly older gaming laptops? I've got a 675M myself, and was wondering whether or not buying myself a 680M or 700M card off of ebay might be 'necessary'.

The consoles don't seem to be all that amazing, spec-wise. So I'm hopeful!


How do you guys think the new next generation games will fare on slightly older gaming laptops? I've got a 675M myself, and was wondering whether or not buying myself a 680M or 700M card off of ebay might be 'necessary'.

The consoles don't seem to be all that amazing, spec-wise. So I'm hopeful!

If anything they could be slightly easier on current PC hardware, given that the games will all be developed for x86 now so we won't be suffering under the pox of bad PC ports. The upper limit might be higher, but games on your 675M are going to look similar to or better than games on the new consoles.