LingLing - New generations guitarist


We love you Ukraine
So this is LingLing. She primarily posts on TikTok, you can find loads of videos on there, but I refuse to link that site.

She's fused percussion, strum less chords, fret bending, you name it into bringing incredibly complex pieces into fruition.

This is mind boggling



Prolific Poster
So this is LingLing. She primarily posts on TikTok, you can find loads of videos on there, but I refuse to link that site.

She's fused percussion, strum less chords, fret bending, you name it into bringing incredibly complex pieces into fruition.

This is mind boggling

i maybe wrong but i think shes better than homer at music


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I've always loved the guitar. I've tried to learn in later years but I think I've tried to pick it up far too late, as I just don't have the patience to not be good right away. I can play a couple of songs, but I've never actually learned to play if that makes sense.

Anyway, on LingLing, she's not bad...... but that's definitely not a new style. The first person that I ever saw doing that style is Eric Mongrain. I believe he's Canadian.

There is a bit of a difference. He produces sound from this guitar that if you close your eyes you swear there are other string instruments in play outwith the guitar. The drumming on the case is fairly typical for this style.

Jon Gomm is another excellent artist. I went to see him live many moons ago. Very interesting character, on stage in his bare feet etc. I can attest he's this flawless live and his guitar is in that state from all the scratch/drumming.

There are loads of amazing vids. I searched around a fair bit many moons ago. Erik Mongrain is still my favourite though, just mesmerising.


We love you Ukraine
I've always loved the guitar. I've tried to learn in later years but I think I've tried to pick it up far too late, as I just don't have the patience to not be good right away. I can play a couple of songs, but I've never actually learned to play if that makes sense.

Anyway, on LingLing, she's not bad...... but that's definitely not a new style. The first person that I ever saw doing that style is Eric Mongrain. I believe he's Canadian.

There is a bit of a difference. He produces sound from this guitar that if you close your eyes you swear there are other string instruments in play outwith the guitar. The drumming on the case is fairly typical for this style.

Jon Gomm is another excellent artist. I went to see him live many moons ago. Very interesting character, on stage in his bare feet etc. I can attest he's this flawless live and his guitar is in that state from all the scratch/drumming.

There are loads of amazing vids. I searched around a fair bit many moons ago. Erik Mongrain is still my favourite though, just mesmerising.
That Jon Gomm is incredible! The complexity that all of them achieve is just mind boggling.

I was never a good guitarist, I bought a 12 string semi acoustic guitar for my 18th (which I’ve still got) and was a singer in a band from around 15, but I was never a good guitarist.

A lot of those really high muted notes are called natural harmonics, they’re all doing them in some way. Even to be able to play those sounds is quite challenging (to get it to actually sound like a sustained Note and not just a mis pluck) but to do it on the fly like these three are is pretty exceptional.



Behold The Ford Mondeo
It's the effortlessness that always amazes me. The way they can just be in the moment of the music as if it's playing for them and they're just enjoying it.

Like a reverse instrument where the guitar is playing them.


We love you Ukraine
It's the effortlessness that always amazes me. The way they can just be in the moment of the music as if it's playing for them and they're just enjoying it.

Like a reverse instrument where the guitar is playing them.
That’s exactly it, the effortlessness and the speed at which they’re making the transitions.

People at this level will have likely learnt very young and just instinctively feel their way around the fret board.

I always had to think about where I was moving to and usually needed a visual pointer. These guys just have it down to pure muscle memory.

Truly exceptional.


We love you Ukraine
In a very different style that more excels in strumming technique, there’s a South African duo callled CH2 who have more of a classical Spanish sound on steroids
