Mixing brands of RAM


Super Star
Would it do any harm to the computer if I mixed two different brands of RAM?

I have 8GB KINGSTON HYPER-X GENESIS DUAL-DDR3 1600MHz, X.M.P (2 x 4GB KIT), but I want to add more ideally for photo processing and gaming.
Do they need to be the same MHz ?

I notice that PCS doesn't supply this sort any more.

Or would be be better if I bought some new RAM altogether. Which would be the best for photo processing and gaming?


Superhero Level Poster
it wont do any harm, worst case is it would just not work.

Though generally you can mix ram but it isn't advised due to possible conflicts. Why not just buy some Hyper x online somewhere?

Ideally you should stick to the same MHz rating, otherwise your motherboard will run at the speed of the slowest DIMM.


Biblical Poster
Damn, if I only I knew, I was going to upgrade my RAM to 16GB some time soon. Will have to look elsewhere I guess.


different brands is ok in most cases but make sure you get the same speed as your old stick of ram. If you go for a slower speed and different brand you may get more problems. Plus you may take a hit on performance as system will downgrade the faster ram to the slower ram.