MOV files not playing error 0xc00d36c4


I've just returned from holiday and copied all my action cam footage over to my PC from a SD card. I have about 30 mov files but only one works, the first one that I recorded.

When I try to play the files I get error code 0xc00d36c4.

I've tried to convert the files to mp4 but they come out blank. I've tried the various video repair tools e.g. VLC, Remo, Stella, gs but they all don't fix the issue. The files are showing as the correct size e.g. not 1kb.

Any other suggestions before I start crying?

Thanks in advance


The Awesome
Can you view the footage on the SD card you recorded on any device? - maybe the device you recorded said footage on?
If nothing can read it then it's possible the SD card has corrupted.
Can you view the footage on the SD card you recorded on any device? - maybe the device you recorded said footage on?
If nothing can read it then it's possible the SD card has corrupted.

No I can't. Ive tried a few different devices but I can't view the files.

If the card has corrupted is there any way to recover? Seems strange that one file is ok