NETGEAR R7000-100UKS R7000 Nighthawk advice

Hi need a new wireless router and i was wondering about the NETGEAR R7000-100UKS R7000 Nighthawk, but I read on amazon that it isn't a modem. Does this mean that if I get it I would have to use my old router as a modem and plug it into the other router? Also if this is the case would having an old router as the modem bottle neck the its performance?? If anyone knows the answer to these questions I would appreciate it if you would tell me. Also if anyone has a suggestion on a different router that would be good. Thank you


Multiverse Poster
I have the R8000 and use my virgin super hub in modem mode. No bottleneck whatsoever but faster connection, netgear genie will set up everything for you and can prioritise activities (e.g 4k streaming through Netflix or online gaming )