network sound


Active member
Hi, I've been looking around for a replacement to my old network music player. Gonna need some good speakers too. I had a look at some reviews for a few naim systems but can't tell if this is the right direction.
Looking for extreme audiophile quality so not really planning on cheaping out. Already got my house wired so a full installation isn't necessary either.
Any suggestions?


Definitely go and have a listen at a showroom if you can. It's not worth spending that much on a system without hearing it first. Not the sort of decision to be made on a forum.
I'd have a look at a Linn klimax. If you look on their website for a retailer then I'm sure they could suggest some speakers too once you get there and have a chance to listen to them. Could ask around on their forums too for recommendations of retailers. Fairly niche market so I doubt you would have a hard time finding someone who knows their stuff. No doubt they would sell naim systems too.


Active member
Sorry for the late reply.
Did what you said and went and had a chat with the guys at The future of music. Had a listen to a few of the systems too. They also suggested a klimax dsm.
Decided to go for the akurate speakers, reasonably priced considering the quality. Still waiting a bit longer to buy though.
Thanks for the advice.