New Nova - GPU fan making annoying whistling


Active member
Hi everyone,

I received a brand new Nova laptop last weekend. I'm very happy with it so far, but since 2-3 days, a continuous sharp whistling is coming from the GPU fan. The kind of noise you hear more or less depending on where you are. I know most of the time this is due to dust obstructing the fans but after one week on the living room table, really? Should I open the computer ? or ask PCS ?



Active member
Are you sure it's the fan and not coil whine?
It might be... All I know is that I hear it only when the GPU fans goes over 40%, which is the idle speed on this machine. But I guess it could be the GPU doing coil whine. I'm not sure what to do. I whish someone with the same machine would tell me it's common on this model because if I can't get past it, I will have to return it :/
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Active member
Here it is, the first one is more of an idle and the second with fans ramped up a bit. I recorded it with the computer microphone so I hope you can hear it. The sound disappears when the GPU fan stops completely.


  • Sound
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Active member
Here it is, the first one is more of an idle and the second with fans ramped up a bit. I recorded it with the computer microphone so I hope you can hear it. The sound disappears when the GPU fan stops completely.
Sorry I havent seen that you requested via Tapatalk.
I've listened to a few coil whine sounds online and it doesnt sound like mine... Coil whine seems more like a buzzing sound that is changing from lower to higher frequencies everytime you move in a game for example, when my sound is just a very stable high frequency noise, thant never stops unless the fan stops. The kind of sound that would make a dog go crazy. I will just contact PCS and see.


The BSOD Doctor
I didn't hear anything on the first one (my hearing is shot though). On the second one it sounds like noisy fan bearings to me. If you're not happy call PCS ASAP and talk this over with them.