New PC stuck in a windows re-install loop :(


Active member
I spoke to a nice Guy from PC Specialist (still working from home) and we tried everything I had already although before I was using the front USB to try and reinstall Windows, I am surprised none of you here told me to use the back one ;) Anyway it made no difference still stuck in that damn loop Windows really don't like me :(, its being picked up by courier tommorow... will i ever get to play Flight Simulator ?? Tech said it was probably the SSD drive that was messed up... but how... ? Windows 10 is supposed to be so 'safe' etc and I am not impressed with the whole Windows 10 experience so far and I hope they can tell me why it went the way it did because I am so curious after a month of use for it to all suddenly just go wrong !! :( (that will be 4 days sorting out my music again :( ) surley it can't be from using Audacity 2.2.... Anyway will keep you all posted if you like :) Again thanks for all your advice this past couple of days lets leave it to the PCS experts now I am sure they won't let me down :)


Active member
Hello all,
just posting an update on this issue I had, the repair was not too bad quite quick it is due back tommorow :)
Anyway the problem was this "A Faulty WIFI card reacting with the onboard WIFI" who knew... that certainly really surprised me, it looks like I did not need to buy a WIFI card and the built in would have been ok, but what do i know I am a dinosaur coming from having Windows 7 previously and all the tech changes etc since 2010 :) Again thanks for all your advice and assistance hopefully i can finally play Flight Simulator if I am going to have problems and you can forsee my naivety please post here if you have installed Flight Simulator succesfully etc any advice is really appreciated... I am a bit nervous now more than ever with this new PC :( Cheers Phil :)