New PC that doesn't work


We love you Ukraine
@SpyderTracks hi, can it be that my motherboard doesn't want to start up even when it's having power? The LEDs are glowing so it has power but it's not possible to power it on, is there an option how to fix it or is it a bad part?
@Swarmhunter I'm afraid we're not going to be able to offer the support you require on the forum. I suggest you give PCS a call and run through it with them.


We love you Ukraine
There is no beep, it just doesn't react to the power button how is it so hard to understand...
As above, you'll need to contact PCS directly. It's not going to be possible to troubleshoot on this forum.

To troubleshoot effectively, we need quick and accurate responses to questions backed up by screenshots and photos.

I would suggest it will be a much quicker resolution speaking directly with PCS in this instance.