No AMD CPU high-end Laptops?


New member
Hi all,

The title says it all. I'm an AMD man always have been always will be. The few attempts with Intel based CPU's wasn't good.

I've looked almost everywhere and found the 17.3" Vortex III Elite from this site, which sounds perfect for me! The only thing putting me off is not having the option of an AMD CPU. I know this would mean a different motherboard but is there any way an AMD version could be made available?

I could buy the overprice Intel i-7 and be happy with it but my friends would mock me and I would develop an eye twitch again… :yes:


Master Poster
Swallow your pride and go with whats better. :) There is usually a reason AMD isn't as widely available. I know how you feel though, Its like an Apple fan suddenly buying Android.


Staff member
Blame AMD. If they manufactured the CPUs and made the platform widely available to companies such as ourselves we would of course stock them...but they don't. :(