NZXT S340 case without CD drive and windows copy? Plus thermal paste question


Case and windows
So i like the look of this NZXT S340 case. However, it does not have any CD bays and i don't want to order a CD bay in the PC. As i don't have the right equipment to install windows could PC Specialist do it?

Can PC Specialist install windows on a PC with no CD Drive on a case which isn't compatible to have a CD bay installed?

Cooling Performance
My other question is about the cooling performance and cable managment.

Is thermal paste applied well? Is it spread by the heatsink? I just want my PC to have good cooling if i buy from here keeping my cpu below 40c idle.

Cable Management
My final question is cable management.

Thanks, this seems like a good website to buy from and look about whilst i'm saving. Just wanted to know some of the build quality from PC Specialist.


Bronze Level Poster
In short:
Load from USB DVD or flash drive.

No, everyone uses 6" paintbrush and slops it on (only kidding!)

Build quality would seem to be good to very good pending who's review you look at. :)