Octane3 vs Defiance 3


New member
They are similar prices, although the octane 3 has an I5 and the Defiance has an I7, that said I believe the octane is running a desktop cpu which will have more raw grunt.

It also seems to be heavier and has worse battery life, but I'm guessing that doesn't really matter give the main reason for buying would be to save lugging the desktop around if I want to game around a mates

Any reason to choose one over the other.

Also would prob go for the 15" and the 1080p screen as I don't see the point of these super high res screens on 15" machines.


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The octane is desktop graphics and can also house the gtx1080 which the defiance can't.

Also, octane can have 4K screen.


Octane appears to be capable of switching GPU and CPU in future (not soldered down) according to a few resources. But this would sit low on my priority list as a buyer, because I'm still on the 700m series GPU family and the 770m is still like £300 and is far outdated now :surrender:

Octane is less for laptop, more as a desktop replacement with a portability factor.

You can expect better cooling capabilities from the Octane in general hence the higher performance parts (desktop CPU, GTX 1080).

I think the Octane was made to be the "desktop-grade laptop", it's probably the closest you will get to desktop performance in a machine you can carry in a backpack, but ideally made to sit at fixed places like workstations, desks or your TV stand to hook up to a TV and game like that. Whereas I think the Defiance is probably the other user base, who want a laptop for the laptop perks but have some desktop capabilities, so you will get the desktop grade (though down-clocked) GTX 1060 and 1070 for gaming in your room in the evenings and such, but will be much better if you are a student who needs to use it in lectures or in the library where you may not always have a power socket available to keep the laptop on charge and maximum power. Good battery life for that purpose. Just my thoughts though, I dont know how PCS markets these laptops.
Hi I just bought the 15.6" Defiance III and before decided on the laptop I was confused about this as well. I honestly think that the 15.6" and 17.3" Defiance III do not have much difference on paper, apart from battery and bigger screen. You may get extra battery power with the 17.3", but you will still find the battery will drain quickly while playing games and with the screen, I will invest on separate monitor in the future, so 17.3" means extra spending on something that I don't really need. But since you prefer the 15.6", I don't think its a problem as well :)

I think Octane III do sound much better to Defiance III on every aspect (especially the 17.3" comes with gtx1080) , but it all goes down to your budget. If you are willing to spend above £1500, then I guess you should go with Octane III, but if you don't, the Defiance III is not a bad choice as well. I think both products are futureproof for quite some time and in 4-5 year there will be better laptops, so you could change to a new one :)
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