Offended PC Gamer!


Superhero Level Poster
Ok maybe not, but I just noticed something terribly wrong on

I was just browsing and noticed that the front page "best selling" part had BF3 for XBox.

I thought therefore I would check if it was top of the PC sales, but this would mean going into the PC section.

So, if you follow this link to Play and you mouse of the "Video Games" option at the top, I dare you to find the PC Games section within 5 seconds...

Other Formats?! OTHER FORMATS?!?!

Cheeky beggards!

No real point to that other than RAWRPCGAMINGGETSTHESHAFTAGAIN! :)


Super Star
I know people from Play and they are just as into the PC format as they are xbox and PS3. The only reason its in other formats is because they sell more console games and they do PC. But are up to date with the latest PC games.


Well-known member
Because the console crowd are very sensetive. It's best if they play in to that, by listing the PC as "Other formats" the console child soldiers will go "hur hur other formats. they so crap they don't even get a proper mention".


I've noticed that before on Play. The first time I tried to find PC games I thought they had just stopped selling them, until I noticed it way off on the side. PC gaming is supposed to be gaining in popularity...and they do that?!


Console gamers like to have things simplified. If something changes ever so slightly they get easily confused. :p