Optimus IV Laptop mSATA

Does anyone know if the Optimus IV had a slot for mSATA? I can see on the configurator for the Optimus V it has the option mSATA/M.2 SSD Drive... I was hoping to be able to install one of these in my Optimus IV but can't for the life of me find any detailed spec lists on clevo/sager/Schenker or even on here. Can anyone confirm for certain if the Optimus IV had an mSATA/M.2 slot?


Superhero Level Poster
At a guess I don't think it will support that standard, though im not sure how old the iv is... The M.2 standard is relatively recent and we have had the optimus V for a while now, so im fairly sure the IV will not support an m.2 drive though I have no evidence other than roughly remembering timescales for mSATA launch and a guess that the IV was launched a couple of years ago at best.
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Hmm, confused now... according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA mSATA was released in July 2011, I bought my laptop April 2013 so while it may not have a M.2 which was released under SATA rev 3.2 (q4 2013) not 3.1 so given that my laptop was released q1/q2 2013 it could possibly have a mSATA slot but I think we can pretty much rule out m.2... I wish I had my laptop with me so I could just open it up, I've changed the wireless card to an Intel AC 7260 Plus Bluetooth but can't remember what other slots if any are available...


Superhero Level Poster
As I said it was just a guestimate on my part, I hadn't realised the mSATA standard was launched in 2011, it certainly didn't gain much traction early on and its only really been coming on strong in the last few years from my recollection.

I vcant even find the clevo model number for that chassis, if you have it to hand you will be able to located the manuals online and it will be in those.