PC Issues


The BSOD Doctor
Yeah, apologies...I should have been clear when I mentioned tested individual sticks that, even if one works fine, you still want to replace both. I was more thinking that, if one stick works okay, you could run your system on the one stick until any replacements arrive so at least you'd still be able to use it....plus the more testing you do, the more it proves that the RAM is broken
Completely agree, running on the one good stick is sensible whilst you wait for new RAM. If you do decide to buy the RAM yourself then be sure to buy a pack of two 8GB 3200MHz RAM sticks to be sure of getting a matched pair. You should also consult the Ryzen processor RAM qualified vendor list to be sure of getting RAM that is compatible with your CPU.


Active member
As above that's a fail.

It's good that you're testing each stick individually, but as soon as you see failures you can stop the test and try the other stick. Even one error on Memtest is enough to scrap the stick.

I would recommend replacing both sticks TBH, and I'd also recommend seeing whether PCS can supply replacements. You want to be certain you get the correct RAM for that CPU and they want to be a matched pair.
Hi there,

Yes, a bit too late for that, I waited a very very long time for them lmao. One failed and one passed which just finished. PCS just replied to me saying I can book an advanced replacement and get both sticks replaced for free since I'm on my warranty.

In regards to the second point; would you have any recommendations? Is the one I picked not good enough or not compatible with my pc build? I posted in this forum when I was building my pc myself and it was heavily fixed lmao. This pc is one built by some nice people that were kind enough to reply and help me out within my budget at the time. Would there be a better or more suitable one for my needs for the pc?

Kind Regards,


Active member
Oh sorry, didn't see the most recent reply. I can try to have a look at that. Hopefully, I pick a suitable one


Just to clarify, the RAM was the reason for my pc restarting randomly, and the sluggishness even on the desktop and just carrying out our normal activities and commands? Would I be correct in assuming that replacing the RAM sticks would solve all those issues and make my pc fast again?

I'm sorry for the bombardment of questions, I don't mean to be a nuisance!
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The BSOD Doctor
Nobody can say for sure that the flaky RAM was causing your other issues. That said, it's highly likely that it was.

If you still have those issues when you've installed the new RAM, then start a new thread (because it's a new problem) and we'll see whether we can help.

Questions are good. We like questions - it's the answers that are hard!


Active member
Nobody can say for sure that the flaky RAM was causing your other issues. That said, it's highly likely that it was.

If you still have those issues when you've installed the new RAM, then start a new thread (because it's a new problem) and we'll see whether we can help.

Questions are good. We like questions - it's the answers that are hard!
I appreciate it! I will do the RMA right now and hopefully, it comes soon. I thought I was supposed to get a new type of RAM to prevent the issue from occurring, but reading your responses, it seems that is not the case. Thanks again!


Active member
To answer your question in the other post, Ubuysa just meant to make sure, if needing to replace the RAM yourself, that it is right for the CPU...but that is moot as PCS are sending replacements. He wasn't saying that the RAM in your system was wrong or anything

It is entirely possible that the RAM stick that failed has been like that for some time which would explain the sluggishness and everything else....we obviously can't say with 100% absolute certainty, of course, but there is a high probability that replacing the RAM will resolve the issues, yes.

And, there is no need to apologise for asking questions....we would rather someone asked lots of questions than didn't ask because they thought they were a bother and then spent a lot of time worrying. Ultimately, we are all volunteers...we enjoy giving advice to people, answering questions etc....we can cover everything from "How do I turn on my PC?" to "what is your opinion on every time travel theory known to man?" :)

Disclaimer: Fine....we can't cover every single time travel theory known to man....quite right.....by the time we have finished reading about them all, some inconsiderate person has gone and time travelled and generated a new theory :mad: It's just an endless cycle 😉
Thank you very much for your replies and contributions!

I have submitted the RMA and hope to receive it soon, hopefully, that's the end of the tech problems for me. If not, I look forward to working with you again in another thread!


Active member
Do you have any recommendations to prevent future problems with the processor and RAM? Should I bother looking into overclocking or anything of that sort? Any ways to improve my current PC build?