PC Temperature - Please Help



I recently purchase a desktop PC from PCS which arrived last Saturday.

However, I noticed some weird temperature phenomena yesterday and today morning. I switch on my PC (cold boot) and the temperature goes up to 60C (yesterday) and 80C (today) idle - ASUS Probe gave me warning at 60C. I then restart my PC and it solved the problem - the temperature idle at 30-35C. I am using ECO water cooling and I have a i5 processor. I used ASUS Probe II and CoreTemp and both of them showing me the same high temperature so it shouldn't be a false alarm.

Anyone has any idea what is happening?


Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.
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Hi, yes I will try to call them. I have Haf X casing. It shouldn't be airflow problem, because my GPU temperature is around 27-35C depends on weather. It was hot yesterday. :) I did run game for hours and CPU temperature is 40+C so I am confuse why it went up to >60C idle and restarting the PC solve the problem.


Life Serving
I would, ( if you have not already) Opened up the case, and just check if the eco cooler is connected properly.


Hi, I think the problem is the pump RPM. CoolIt forum suggests we leave the pump RPM to it's original, which is 4100+ RPM (actual speed = 4100+/2). However, I guess PCS did not know about this.

Currently testing solution: In BIOS, Disabled "auto-control" whichever fan connected to the pump. It will return to 4100+ RPM. Previously was 800+ RPM only.

I will report back my result so it can help another with the same problem.


Update: CPU temperature is 27C idle now, compared to 35C previously.

Update: Game running at CPU 35C. (Killing Floor)
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Another update: CPU temperature does not go crazy again, all stable now. :) Cheers.

Added tags, hopefully it can help others with the same problem.
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Well Shilee i think this may help me i have the COOLIT ECO A.L.C and Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-960 its 44 idle was thinking it should be around 35 or under think ill have to change something in the bios may be


Yes you should disable auto-control of whichever _fan connected to the pump in BIOS if you haven't do so. It should run at 4100+ rpm.


When runing hardware Monitor in the fans part it shows only 2 witch look like there set right they are CPUFANINO 1834 RPM
the fan on the front of machine dont think show up as powered from power surply


Then I think you're all good! :) Both of them are running at there max speed. However I guess your CPU temperature must be high because my CPUFAN is running at around 800+ RPM -- 1800+ RPM is the Max Speed of the fan behind the radiator. I am not sure what is the "normal" temperature you should have with i7, but mine is i5. Do you have any other air intake/output configuration with your case? I checked CoolIt official forum, people suggest that we can use a pull/push configuration to even lower the temperature of the CPU, by installing another 120mm fan on the front of the radiator, so cool air can be blown to the radiator.