PCS Honest Game Reviews - The Vanishing of Ethan Carter


Gold Level Poster

Price on purchase (£ 7.20 - G2A.com) RRP £15 on Steam

Gameplay 8/10

The game at heart is about exploration, puzzle solving, and a short but memorable storyline. You are free to explore the world however you wish from the start. The goal is to find active storylines and solve murders as you come across them. How and in what order you do this is entirely up to you as you roam around the landscape. There is absolutely no hand holding in this game and that makes it all the better as you figure it out on your own accord. Puzzles are deep enough to reward and not irritating at all. There are times when you will need to retrace steps as mentioned before it doesn't help you out. The opening intro is well done and not a megalithic blockbuster entrance... just enough to get the juices flowing. You will have one or two jumps through the game , but nothing that will actively make you reach for the Andrex.

Graphics 8/10

It's not very often you see a game so beautiful. Games like Crysis 3, Battlefield 4, Skyrim (with HD Texture pack!) and Bio Shock Infinite can be compared to this game in graphics wise (Obviously when cranked up to max @1440p etc). It's never going to match them blow for blow in cinematics's because deep down, it's not what this game or it's publisher wanted to do. Thanks to a method called photogrammetry (Pictures of real life objects and then using technologies available to turn them into 3D objects) some of the items you come across (like ROCKS) look like real ROCKS.

Drawback: Invisible walls and lack of a jump button. The world, although 'open' is slightly diminished in scope and without the option to jump (and the invisible walls blocking you from falling) makes you feel somewhat glued to the landscape. FarCry 3 this is not.

Sound 7/10

The sounds are immersive and the score (when it activates) can tingle the senses into thinking that wrongdoing is afoot. Voice acting, hmmm, sort of a mixed bag for me. Most characters sound good but a few seem lacking in character and could have been polished a bit more (in regards to emotion/delivery).

Longevity 2/10

If your after a game to whittle down the hours then this isn't for you. You will be done in 4-6 hours and it really doesn't offer any reward for entering/playing through the game again. A good game for a rainy weekend or a lonely night.

Overall Synopsis and Score 7/10

Nothing really takes away from what the game is at its core - which is a very enjoyable, albeit short story driven graphics fest. The story line was short but sweet, the graphics are some of the best in a game to date, and the overall game was well worth the price tag paid.

I will add some screenshots soon =)
Also feel free to add in your own 2cents and views.

I know this review isn't long, I only spent 10 minutes or so doing it, but if you'd like me to write some more (I'm going to anyway lol) then also please give me a thumbs up or Rep.

Regards - FusRo

Coming Soon (Retro Review - World of Warcraft, New Review - FarCry 4)
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Biblical Poster
Thanks for the review, great example for others to follow. You are first on the list in the main thread :)