peripherals & accessories


Am i right in thinking that PCS don't sell these on an individual basis, other than when bought with desktops/laptops etc, as from what i read into this forum and all the feedback it gets it appears to be mostly a gaming community that use's it, "not all, but mostly" hence if the gaming community are asking/require/advising on certain products, would it not be beneficial to PCS to sell these as separate items? maybe i am wrong, but i see no option on the website for peripherals & accessories other than when ordering a desktop etc..


Superhero Level Poster
I thought you could use the upgrade system to buy peripherals. Haven't checked that mind. I know you can't buy them if you haven't bought a PC from PCS before, but they are primarily a custom PC company after all, not a bits business :)


As it stands now, and i have ordered a laptop i have no option of upgrading anything (Unfortunately we cannot identify any completed orders on your account that qualify for upgrades) perhaps because i am still in the processing stage? but given how i went through the ordering of it and wanted to finish IT once and for all, i have since ordered elsewhere for headphones/mouse/mat etc.. it would've have been easier i think to have done it through PCS and to have used what the forum recommends as well as PCS?


Rising Star
As it stands now, and i have ordered a laptop i have no option of upgrading anything (Unfortunately we cannot identify any completed orders on your account that qualify for upgrades) perhaps because i am still in the processing stage? but given how i went through the ordering of it and wanted to finish IT once and for all, i have since ordered elsewhere for headphones/mouse/mat etc.. it would've have been easier i think to have done it through PCS and to have used what the forum recommends as well as PCS?

Once you have received the laptop you will be able to use the upgrade service to buy additional peripherals or upgrade parts.