Private Netflix for personal media.


Rising Star
Hey all just wondering if there was some sort of application for pc or mac like netflix, were I could upload my own digital films and tv shows from a HDD and view them with a nice image / visual information like netflix. And play it from the application? It's just for a visual / organisation thing instead of having hundreds of folders on hdds from films I have backed up.

Like an interactive library for my movies and tv shows.
And I am willing to pay for the software.

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Synology do a good version with their NAS drives.



Rising Star
forgive me if im wrong.... iTunes?

no you are not wrong itunes is an option :) im just looking at what else is out there.

I was hoping to be able to use vlc media player as the default player instead of itunes.

but thanks for the suggestion!


I use xbmc, which is brilliant for normal films and TV shows. I wonder if there is a way to make it use your own metadata to make it display info for your own films.


Rising Star
I use xbmc, which is brilliant for normal films and TV shows. I wonder if there is a way to make it use your own metadata to make it display info for your own films.

That is exactly what I was looking for thanks! I love that you can use different skins as well. now I just need to see if I can setup an apple remote to control it!


Built-in Windows Media Player does this, and also works with DLNA which is a standard open way of sharing media across a network (this is useful if the computer you want to browse/play isn't the same as the computer hosting your collection).

For some reason, fancy-looking DLNA clients are much more commonly available for tablets, so there's more out there for Android and Windows 8, I haven't been able to find anything else for "regular" Windows.

One thing to be wary of, it seems that the metadata for video is less standardised compared to music (where everything uses standard tags, well, everything except incompatible Apple). I find I just end up browsing by folder anyway, though possibly I haven't found the correct way to enter metadata.



Enough said, I switched form Tversity to plex and not looked back since.
If you had a smart TV or smart dvd/blu ray player you can install the plex app for all the netflix style visuals you want. You can also get the app on android/ios.
I even got the plex passport for 2.99 a month that gives you a bunch of extras. It is customisable, it will download meta data on the films and tv shows you add and with that grab the thumbnail images, synopsis even the theme tune to play while you browse the list. You can even install new channels like netflix, hulu, youtube, twitch and a load of free streaming channels for kids shows, films, tv etc. It really is a great piece of software